The Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Diponegoro (FEB Undip) welcomed a visit from the Government Science Study Program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IP UMY) for a comparative study related to FIBAA International Accreditation (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation). The meeting is conducted in Sidang Senat Room of FEB Undip on Wednesday 06/09/2023.

The FIBAA Task Force Team of Government Science Study Program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, consisting of lecturers and staff, was welcomed by the Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, head and secretary of the department and head of study program from FEB Undip. This limited meeting was opened by Firmansyah, Ph.D as the Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs by presenting the profile of FEB Undip.

In his opening remarks, he expressed his welcome and gratitude for the arrival of the FIBAA Task Force team from UMY to learn about FIBAA international accreditation at FEB Undip.

In the discussion and sharing related to FIBAA accreditation, the Head of the IP UMY Task Force Team, Dr. Titin Purwaningsih, S.IP., M.Si. conveyed several points that became the main focus of this visit, which are finding out the preparation and implementation in the assessor’s assessment, as well as asking for suggestions regarding matters that need to be considered and prepared in the implementation of FIBAA international accreditation.

During the visit, the team from IP UMY also had the opportunity to see the facilities at FEB Undip as a supporting point for accreditation. FIBAA accreditation is a goal for both institutions to improve the quality of education and strengthen their reputation internationally.

This comparative study is a positive step in establishing cooperation between FEB Undip and IP UMY in an effort to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. Hopefully, this visit can be the beginning of a broader and sustainable collaboration between the two institutions in facing challenges in the era of globalization.