The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Diponegoro (Undip) has signed a cooperation agreement with the Ministry of Finance of Central Java (Kemenkeu Jateng) in the context of establishing a “Pojok Kemenkeu” room on the FEB Undip campus.

The signing of this cooperation was conducted in the Sidang Senat room, Dekanat building of the FEB Undip campus on July 7, 2023. The signing of the cooperation agreement was conducted by the Dean of FEB Undip, Prof. Suharnomo and the Head of the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Treasury (DJPb) of the Ministry of Finance of Central Java, Muhdi, Ph.D. The Dean of FEB Undip welcomed this collaboration as a concrete step in improving the quality of education at FEB Undip.

Meanwhile, Muhdi, Ph.D. hopes that “The existence of the Ministry of Finance Corner can provide a deeper insight into the latest policies. What is done by the Ministry of Finance can also motivate students to cultivate reading and writing.”

The cooperation in the development of the “Pojok Kemenkeu” aims to provide online access to the latest quality literature for the academic world and efforts to improve students’ understanding of issues in the fields of economics and finance.

With the signing of this cooperation agreement, FEB Undip and the Ministry of Finance of Central Java showed their commitment in advancing education, especially in the field of economics and as a forum for community, especially in the campus environment in the context of developing the tri dharma of higher education.

The “Pojok Kemenkeu” room is expected to be completed in this August and will be located on the ground floor of B building of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Diponegoro.