Semarang, July 22, 2023. After waiting for 40 years, the inaugural reunion of the 1983 batch of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Diponegoro (Undip) was successfully held. However, this time the reunion was not only a nostalgic event, but also a momentum to make a positive contribution to the beloved alma mater. This reunion cunducted at the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Diponegoro campus.

The reunion began with morning exercises at the FEB Undip pond, as a trigger for the healthy spirit of the alumni. However, this reunion was not just about nostalgia. The 1983 alumni also wanted to contribute to their beloved alma mater that had shaped their careers. As a form of appreciation and gratitude to the alma mater, they held an alma mater service event where some of the activities included:

Learning Facilities Assistance: Alumni Batch of 1983 collaborated with Asuransi Astra to provide facilities assistance to selected outstanding FEB Undip students. This assistance is expected to ease the financial burden on students and encourage their enthusiasm in pursuing higher education.

Assistance to Campus: As a form of support in supporting the green campus program, the alumni batch 1983 provided 46 trees of various kinds and 15 park benches for FEB Undip.

Appreciation to Staff: Staff who excel and are highly dedicated to the advancement of the campus also be the attention of alumni. They were given awards for their achievements and important roles.

Making the moment meaningful, the 1983 alumni did not miss the visitation activity. They also made a pilgrimage to Undip cemetery to remember and pray for the lecturers and campus staff who have contributed in shaping their careers.

The Gala Dinner which conducted at the KWU Building was the culmination of a series of reunion events as a place to meet and greet. Hopefully, the 1983 Alumni Reunion of the Faculty of Economics and Business Undip will become a momentum of inspiration for other batches to maintain alumni ties and can make a positive contribution to their beloved alma mater.