In Hall Building C, Faculty of Economics and Business, Diponegoro University, a Talk Show on Growing Micro and Small Business was held on Monday, March 11 2019. The talk show, which was the opening of the 59th FEB Undip Anniversary, invited Achsin Ma’ruf (Commission B DPRD Central Java), Bima Kartika (Secretary of Central Java Cooperatives and MSMEs), Suharnomo (Lecturer and Dean of FEB Undip), and Wakhyu Hidayat (Head of Regional Office V Jamkrindo). The talk show was packed with participants from lecturers, employees and students from FEB Undip and participants from the public.

Achsin Ma’ruf as the first resource person explained that in Indonesia there are 3% of entrepreneurs from the total population of Indonesia. This number is still small compared to countries in Asia such as Thailand with 4.5% of entrepreneurs, Malaysia with 5% of entrepreneurs and Singapore with 7% of entrepreneurs. “The challenge of community welfare is seen from the business sector. If the entrepreneur is high, the country will prosper,” he explained.

The efforts of the central and provincial governments have been consistent regarding the development of MSMEs and entrepreneurs. The government must be present so that the number of existing entrepreneurs increases and stimulates the community to become entrepreneurs.

Achsin also added that the marketing in the industrial era 4.0, MSMEs must follow the market direction to industry 4.0, the offline market will be eroded or may die with the presence of the online market.

The second speaker, Suharnomo, delivered a quote from the global trend of the book by Dr. Richard Florida – The Rise of the Creative Class, “In the end, nations/cities are determined by their creative elite society, the more creative elites who move the city will make the city competitive in the global area”, he said.

The Undip FEB Campus through the Entrepreneurship Clinic Business Incubator and Undip Business Incubator accommodates business startups that lead to digital start-ups, taking a lead economy in the future is based on creativity and innovation.

The campus has research and innovation products but most of them have not been downstreamed or implemented to the community. According to Suharnomo, MSME development must be based on research to gain an advantage, otherwise the product will become uncompetitive in the market. The trend that must be changed is from a product and production approach to a market approach first, then discussing packaging and selling products online. “Market research is obligatory, because it is easier to meet market needs and then fulfill market needs,” added Suharnomo.

The next speaker from the Central Java Cooperatives and MSMEs Service, Bima Kartika revealed that the Cooperative Service’s tough task is to encourage existing MSMEs to grow quickly. The way to do is to encourage human resources, because human resources are the key to development of an MSME, the approach to the quality of human resources is accelerated by a strategy through groups or group centers, and Balatkop (Cooperative Training Center) to grow MSMEs that can touch the managerial, vocational and competency of MSMEs. Next, through financing by facilitating access to MSME capital.

“Every day we meet with socialization and facilitation of MSMEs in Central Java with bank and non-bank financing sources, Jamkrida, Jamkrindo, Central Java Bank to facilitate access to financing for MSMEs,” he said.

Head of Regional Office V Jamkrindo, Wakhyu Hidayatullah, said that MSMEs cannot be separated from the limitations of marketing, human resources, finance, technology, so MSMEs must be assisted. Jamkrindo in this case helps MSMEs in financial problems for MSMEs who lack collateral and have a decent business so they can access banking and non-banking. Currently, Jamkrindo Kanwil V has guaranteed 27 trillion in Central Java for 574 thousand customers, and there are still those who have not guaranteed Jamkrindo and there are still many opportunities for MSMEs.

Wakhyu said “The problem is from the coaching side, currently the department has many parties that provide assistance to MSMEs but it has not been integrated in the end MSMEs are not well managed, the current challenge is that existing coaches can be integrated to foster MSMEs”.

Jamkrindo in the future will open a marketplace guarantee, in this market place MSMEs will be rated and displayed so that financial institutions can choose the MSMEs they want.