Semarang, July 11, 2023 – The Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Diponegoro (FEB Undip) proudly welcomed a visit from the Attaché of Education and Culture of the Indonesian Embassy in Port Moresby, with the intention of exploring the potential for cooperation. The meeting that was attended by the Dean and staff of FEB Undip and also Dr. Chaerun Anwar as a representative of the Attaché of Education and Culture of the Indonesian Embassy in Port Moresby, conducted on the 1st floor of the Dekanat building, Sidang Senat Room of FEB Undip.

The Dean of FEB Undip, Prof. Suharnomo, welcomed this visit enthusiastically to discuss opportunities for cooperation with the Indonesian Embassy in Port Moresby. He also stated that FEB Undip is always open to collaborating with domestic and foreign institutions.

During the meeting, Dr. Chaerun Anwar expressed his intention to establish cooperation with FEB Undip. Some areas that are considered potential for cooperation are student exchange programs, joint research, and curriculum development.

This visit is expected to be a good start in strengthening the relationship between FEB Undip and the Indonesian Embassy in Port Moresby, with the aim of fostering productive and sustainable collaboration in the fields of education and research.