On Friday (14/7/2023), the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Diponegoro (Undip) held a Pre-Departure event in the Sidang Utama room of the Dekanat Building. During this event, the FEB Undip released 83 students from the International Undergraduate Program (IUP) and Regular Program.

The 83 students are set to engage in International Exposure through esteemed programs including Double Degree, Credit Transfer System (CTS), Short Course/Summer School, and IISMA (Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards). Double Degree program will provide opportunities for 34 students to obtain two degrees at once from partner universities abroad. Credit Transfer System (CTS) allows them to take several courses at partner universities to be recognized as part of their study curriculum at FEB Undip.

The 83 students are from various study programs: 49 Management students, 32 Accounting students, and 2 Economics students. They will be spread to various top world campuses such as, National United University (Taiwan), Monash University (Australia), Universiti Malaya (Malaysia), Saxion University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands), University of Birmingham (United Kingdom), Montpellier Business School (France), etc.


The pre-departure event for students which was held in online (zoom meeting) and offline platform was started by the dean of FEB Undip, Prof. Suharnomo, who gave remarks and encouragement to students who would take international academic trips.

He said “We are very proud of the achievements of our students who have been selected to take part in International Exposure activities to renowned universities in various parts of the world. One thing that I emphasize here is that all of you must support each other and adapt well to the new environment and build your networking when you are abroad.”

Additionally, the pre-departure event featured Benz Arya, an alumnus of the International Undergraduate Program (IUP) program, who successfully completed his double degree studies at both Undip and Saxion University, Enschede, the Netherlands.

Afina Hasya, S.T, M.M., as the coordinator of the International Office of FEB Undip, explained important things for students in preparing important documents needed for administration purposes before departure.

This departure of the 83 FEB Undip students aligns with the university’s commitment to sustainable development goals (SDGs) and its mission as a World Class University (WCU). The institution aims to excel in education and international collaboration.