Semarang, January 19, 2024 – The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Diponegoro University (Undip) strengthens its commitment to environmental sustainability and the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through collaboration with SD Negeri Tembalang.

During this visit, the students of SD Negeri Tembalang participated in the activity of releasing fish in the campus pond and lake, creating a positive impact on the campus UI GreenMetric point. Through this event, we are not only providing quality education but also spreading environmental awareness to the community at the elementary level.

The students also received socialization about the importance of preserving the environment. Especially the lake at FEB Undip becomes an example for the community as a water conservator and ecosystem in the campus environment.

Teachers and staff from both schools play an important role as agents of change, guiding the students to have a better understanding of the sustainability movement. This event shows us Undip’s commitment as an institution that contributes to the green environment by implementing the UI GreenMetric points.

FEB Undip continues its commitment to being more than just a higher education center but also an institution that plays a role in shaping the next generation that is environmentally conscious and responsible. Consequently, FEB Undip will remain actively involved as a key contributor to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and enhancing its GreenMetric ranking, striving to create a more sustainable “green campus”.