Dr. Kees Tesselhof

Dr. Kees Tesselhof

As a controller, I am passionate about working with data, particularly numbers. In my professional experience, I have been extensively involved in preparing diverse reports for multinational corporations. These reports are increasingly being generated through specialized information systems. I started with Excel sheets, progressed to ERP systems, and now we have advanced cloud-based applications. These emerging technologies have captured my attention and curiosity.

Following my departure from the corporate world, I ventured into higher education. It has been an incredibly inspiring journey to assist young individuals in shaping their future. What makes this experience even more complex is that my students are all internationally oriented, adding a layer of intricacy to the context. It is vital for them to acquire a solid knowledge foundation, while also gaining practical skills to effectively navigate the field. The ethical aspects underlying digitalization are particularly complex when viewed from an international standpoint, as they extend beyond the boundaries of a single country. Nevertheless, the practical implications of digitalization cannot be hindered, necessitating thorough explanations to students who may only see the frontend of systems, such as reports or dashboards. Understanding the underlying processes is essential to maintaining a firm grasp on the technology. Hence, it is advantageous to involve industry professionals in this endeavor. Engaging in collaborative discussions with both students and professionals proves to be highly stimulating and beneficial for all parties involved.

The combination of learning, hands-on industry experience, and researching new applications has led me to dedicate my PhD studies to the field of blockchain-based systems. My interest lies not only in the scientific aspects but also in understanding how these advancements are practically implemented. It encompasses more than just blockchain; I am also intrigued by the implications of big data and artificial intelligence. How do these elements influence our humanity, and how can we harness their potential within the realm of controlling/accounting, without succumbing to misuse? In this regard, the journey of learning is never-ending. As a PhD candidate, I have already contributed to two publications in this field.