Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Diponegoro organized a Guest Lecture for students on October 25th 2019. The lecture was addressed by Prof. Dr. Che Ruhana Isa, as the Dean of Faculty of Business and Accountancy, University of Malaya, Malaysia. She is also the Chief Editor of Asian Journal of Business and Accountancy. She completed her postgraduate in Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Malaysia in 2005. She got her MSc degree from London School of Economics, United Kingdom, and BSBA degree from Oklahoma State University, Stillwater.
The event of Guest Lecture was started by introducing the Guest Speaker. The main theme of the Public Lecture was Industrial Revolution 4.0. Prof. Dr. Che Ruhana Isa explained about the fact that before Industrial Revolution 4.0, graduates can find job within six months after their graduation, but nowadays they have difficulties in finding job until one year after graduation. She also explained that IR 4.0 only replays all the constant variables, not including empathy, sympathy, and other emotional feeling of a person.
Prof. Dr. Che Ruhana Isa also discussed about the high competition in this day after the existence of Industrial Revolution 4.0. To deal with that problem, some skills are needed to survive IR 4.0, which are: complex problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, people management, coordinating with others, emotional intelligence, judgment and decision making. Furthermore, some FBA initiatives are revealed to survive IR 4.0.
The event was closed by some discussions with Prof. Dr. Che Ruhana isa regarding to the collaboration program between Universitas Diponegoro and University of Malaya. It was very informative and interactive session that the students were able to have better understanding about some skills to survive Industrial Revolution 4.0.
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